Teacher: Class, please take out your Geography text book, turn to page 124 and answer those questions.
Student A: Teacher, are you going to be our geography teacher?
Teacher: No, I'm just relieving your class... So how do you answer question 4?
Student A: Pekerjaan ketika bulan November hingga Mac di Kelantan, Terengganu.. ermm... A? Menangkap ikan???
Teacher: You are almost right, but look here.. It is November until Mac.. What kind of season? What kind of weather for those states in that period of time?
Student A: Errrmmm.. dunoo lah teacher...
Teacher: It is raining season right?
Student B: I know the answer, it is B!!! Menanam sayur...
Teacher: No, it is not. The answer is D, membaiki pukat dan jala. They won't go to the sea during raining season, aren't they?
Student B: I told you it is D, see.. my answer is rightt maa...
Teacher: No, you are not. You said B not D.
Student B: Yes, I said D
Teacher: Ok then, God knows which one is your answer.
Student B: Errr... god?? I don't care. God is in my pocket (taking out a small jade of Buddhism figure from his pocket)
And I was surprised but managed to said..
Teacher: Owh.. it's ok. We don't bring God in our pocket. We have God in our heart...
Student B: Whaatt?? I dunnoo.. is there any God?? (looking a bit puzzled, after all.. he's only 13 years old)
Teacher: Of course, there's must be a creator. Who creates you then?? If not, you won't be here today.
Student B: No.. my mother creates me!!
Teacher: Oh really? How can she creates you??What did she use? Plastecine??
Student A: If your mother creates you, then who creates your mother?
Student B: Errm... My grandmotherr...
Student A: Then, who creates your grand mother, your grand-grand mother???? your grand-grand-grand motherrr???
Student B: Hmm... i don't know...(and he remained speechless, perhaps thinking about something that he should be thinking, i believed)
...Anywhere, anytime, anyhow...
He reminds me about Umar al-Khattab (during his ignorance period of life) who brings his 'God' and eat 'it' whenever he feels hungry .
I hope that someday, that boy will become like Umar. Or even better.
"And Allah is the Best Guider"
He reminds me about Umar al-Khattab (during his ignorance period of life) who brings his 'God' and eat 'it' whenever he feels hungry .
I hope that someday, that boy will become like Umar. Or even better.
"And Allah is the Best Guider"